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How to Get Rid of Corn and Calluses

How to Get Rid of Corn and Calluses

Corn and calluses form on the skin due to continuous pressure or friction applied on the skin. They are thick and hard parts of the skin and a natural mechanism to protect the underlying sensitive skin. Calluses develop when continuous friction is applied to a particular part of the body, foot, for example, while the development of corns is attributed to bone pressure on the skin.
How to Get Quick Relief from Hemorrhoid Pain

How to Get Quick Relief from Hemorrhoid Pain

Hemorrhoids are quite a common disease. Three out of four adults suffer from the disease at some point in time in their lives. The disease may or may not come with symptoms. If hemorrhoids do come with its symptoms though, expect to feel itching, discomfort, and bleeding. The disease is commonly called piles and is characterized by the swelling of veins in the anus and the lower rectum.
Things to Consider When Choosing a Drug Rehabilitation Center

Things to Consider When Choosing a Drug Rehabilitation Center

Drug abuse is a widespread problem in the country across different age groups. This often leads to addiction, causing a far-reaching impact on the addict’s personal and professional life. Relationships, work, and day-to-day activities can suffer immensely due to drug addiction. In such a scenario, checking into a drug rehab facility is the only option.
Choosing the Right Shoes for Bunion Relief

Choosing the Right Shoes for Bunion Relief

Bunions are extremely annoying and painful. They are bony projections on the inner side of the foot, at the big toe joint. Bunions are caused when the bones that make up the big toe are shifted out of alignment under the application of pressure. Bunions make the toe stiff and make it hard to walk.
How To Deal With Hemorrhoids For Good

How To Deal With Hemorrhoids For Good

Hemorrhoids are more commonly known as piles. It makes your veins in the rectum and anus swollen. When you have hemorrhoids, you will have rectal bleeding, itching, and pain in the anus. It can develop both inside and outside of the anus, and in respect to the place of its development, it is called external or internal hemorrhoids.
Types, Causes, and Treatment of Joint Pain

Types, Causes, and Treatment of Joint Pain

The other name of joint pain or inflammation is known as arthritis, which can affect one or more joints present in our body. Presently there are almost 200 different types of joint pain or arthritis, but among them, the most common types are as follows: Inflammatory arthritis Degenerative or mechanical arthritis Soft tissue musculoskeletal pain Back pain Connective tissue disease Infectious arthritis Metabolic arthritis Though the symptoms of arthritis develop over a long time, they can also appear suddenly out of nowhere.
Tips to Get Instant Relief from Constipation

Tips to Get Instant Relief from Constipation

The muscles that push the stool through colon might not be performing at times, and it results in irregular bowel movements. This condition wherein the stool becomes hard, dry, and almost impossible to pass is called constipation. It generally happens because too much water is absorbed from the food. It is an incredibly common problem affecting around 20% of the people in the country.
Causes of High Blood Pressure and Tips to Reduce it

Causes of High Blood Pressure and Tips to Reduce it

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood flowing in the blood vessels. Blood vessels carry blood pumped by the heart to all parts of the body. Proper supply of blood requires an optimum level of blood pressure and anything above or below this level is a cause of concern.