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What Causes Body Odor and How to Prevent it

What Causes Body Odor and How to Prevent it

Smelling bad can be embarrassing, and you’ll put the people around you in an awkward position. While mild body odor is something all of us experience, constant body odor, and too much of it, is not a good thing. What are the causes of body odor? While not having a bath regularly is one of the most basic reasons, there are a few other underlying causes that might contribute to the bad odor as well.
Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Meningitis in Children

Understanding the Causes and Symptoms of Meningitis in Children

Meningitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the protective membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord. It can be a life-threatening condition. Therefore, the case of a person affected by meningitis falls under medical emergencies. Causes of meningitis The swelling may be caused due to viral or bacterial infections. However, injuries, cancer, certain drugs, and other types of infections can also cause meningitis.
Top 3 Simple Treatments for Shingles You Need to Know

Top 3 Simple Treatments for Shingles You Need to Know

Shingles is a disorder is also known as herpes zoster. It’s a viral infection that leads to a rash. One in three people in the country develops shingles at some point in their lifetime. The underlying cause of shingles is the VZV or the Varicella zoster virus. This is the same as the virus that causes chickenpox.
Understanding the Role of Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis

Understanding the Role of Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis

What comes to your mind when you first hear the word “bacteria”? Ailments, illness, and diseases! Yes, big-time most of us associate the word bacteria with various kinds of health problems. Our body is a complex and, at the same time, a fascinating machine. Investigations on our gut have revealed the fact that our stomach linings are infested with different types of bacteria.
The Recommended Diet for High Blood Pressure

The Recommended Diet for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure also known as hypertension is a medical condition where the pressure of blood running through the body’s blood vessels rises sharply. HBP as we may call it may lead to the damaging of blood vessels, which in turn can lead to diseases related to heart, kidney, or even the eyes.
What To Expect During Menopause Hot Flashes

What To Expect During Menopause Hot Flashes

A woman will experience menopause during her 40s or 50s. It is when she no longer gets her period and is unable to get pregnant naturally. It is usually confirmed when the period stops for more than 12 months. Once the ovaries stop functioning, there is an imbalance of hormones in the body.
Wrist Braces for Good Support

Wrist Braces for Good Support

A wrist brace is a support band worn on the wrist. It is meant to provide support, limit movement, and help to heal when you have wrist injuries. They are made of flexible but sturdy materials like nylon or neoprene. Wrist Injuries Wrist injuries can occur due to various reasons.
Top 5 Homemade Bed Bug Sprays for a Bug-Free Home

Top 5 Homemade Bed Bug Sprays for a Bug-Free Home

Pests can be of various types and is a real pain for the people who are living in a house infested with them. Bed bugs are a very common type of pest that can be found in your house. It is very difficult to detect their presence as they multiply fast.