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4 ways to get healthy toenails

4 ways to get healthy toenails

Nails along with skin and hair reflect an individual’s overall health. This is why you need to take care of your nails. On a closer look, if you find ridges, dents or patches of unusual color or shape on the surface of your nails then it is high time you started caring for them.
5 natural remedies for diarrhea

5 natural remedies for diarrhea

Diarrhea causes watery stools. Usually, in the case of acute diarrhea (lasting up to a week), the condition improves without any medical intervention. For chronic diarrhea (lasting more than a month), the treatment may involve treating the underlying cause. Chronic diarrhea causes can include any number of bowel diseases, pancreatic injuries, medicine use and infections.
A brief insight into the best diet for diabetic people

A brief insight into the best diet for diabetic people

It is a proven fact that by maintaining a healthy diet, the blood sugar levels can be controlled easily. As a preventive step for diabetes, a healthy diet is of utmost importance. The best diet for diabetes includes foods that are low in calories or fat and high in healthy nutrients.
5 common symptoms of high blood sugar levels

5 common symptoms of high blood sugar levels

High blood sugar or hyperglycemia refers to a particular physical state where the level of glucose in the blood increases excessively. Commonly observed in people who suffer from diabetes, high blood sugar levels can be a serious health concern affecting people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here are a few symptoms that are prevalent in people with high blood sugar.
What is the significance of A1C level in blood?

What is the significance of A1C level in blood?

The A1C level in the blood is a measurement of the amount of glucose that is present in the body. A high level of glucose content in the blood is considered unhealthy, and the condition is referred to as diabetes. The affected individual is called a diabetic patient. A standard of the measure of the A1C level is indicated in the diabetes A1C chart.
A brief overview of the 5 most common diabetes medications

A brief overview of the 5 most common diabetes medications

Diabetes is a particular physical condition in which the blood sugar level increases excessively. It occurs when the body fails to produce or use the required amount of insulin that it is supposed to. As insulin is the ultimate compound that helps one’s body use the sugar from consumed foods, when its production or use is interrupted, opting for diabetes medications can be the best option to manage the condition.
5 ways to deal with diabetic nerve pain effectively

5 ways to deal with diabetic nerve pain effectively

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common complaints among people suffering from this disease. Diabetic nerve pain is the result of nerve damages caused by chronic high blood sugar levels and poor blood circulation. Even though this condition cannot be cured, the effects of diabetic nerve pain can be managed.
Here are common types and symptoms of breast cancer

Here are common types and symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer starts in cells that line the ducts of the breasts, which are the tubes that carry milk from the glands to the nipple. This is called ductal carcinoma breast cancer. Cancer in the cells of the lobules, which are a group of glands that make milk, is called lobular carcinoma.