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8 Foods That Help In Treating Heartburn

8 Foods That Help In Treating Heartburn

Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion, is a burning sensation in the central area of the chest or the upper abdomen. It is a very painful experience if not treated on time. The pain often occurs in the chest and may branch out to the neck, throat or angle of the jaw.
Factors That Lead To Binge-Eating Disorder

Factors That Lead To Binge-Eating Disorder

Diagnosing binge-eating disorders is difficult; however, treating them can be easy. There are several factors that lead a person to suffer from binge-eating disorder. Binge-eating is defined as a habit of eating or munching anything uncontrollably without any sensation of hunger. People going through this disorder find themselves losing control over their constant eating habit.
Best Foods For Managing Diabetes

Best Foods For Managing Diabetes

Diabetes is difficult to manage but not impossible. With the right medication, regular exercise, and the right diabetes diet plan, the health issues brought on by diabetes and even diabetes itself can be kept in check. There are several types of diabetes diet food, ranging from drinks for diabetics to healthy snack for diabetics, which make for a natural recovery diabetic diet plan.
Easy Home Remedies To Deal With Trigger Finger

Easy Home Remedies To Deal With Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is a condition where one’s finger gets stuck while bent in a particular position. Often referred to as trigger thumb as well, here the finger may straighten or bend with a snap, similar to that of a trigger being pulled and then released. Trigger finger or stenosing tenosynovitis occurs when the space within a sheath surrounding the tendon of a finger becomes narrower as a result of inflammation.
Symptoms of a Blood Clot and How it Can be Diagnosed

Symptoms of a Blood Clot and How it Can be Diagnosed

Blood clotting is a necessity when it comes to the normal functioning of a body. When you cut or injure yourself, clotting is essential to prevent you from losing too much blood. But, what happens if blood clots inside a vein or an artery? It could cause a medical emergency if it ever reaches your heart and lungs (pulmonary embolism).
Spinal Stenosis- Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Spinal Stenosis- Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

According to the medical dictionary, the term stenosis refers to the abnormal shortening or narrowing of a body channel. Thus the term spinal stenosis means the shortening or narrowing of the spine. This is something that happens to all human bodies with age and sometimes can also have very harmful effects.
Common Signs And Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis To Watch Out For

Common Signs And Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis To Watch Out For

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic condition which makes the immune system attack the body leading to joint pain and other symptoms. It mainly affects people who already have psoriasis. Psoriasis signs symptoms include small scaling spots, itching, soreness, burning, stiff and swollen joints, red patches on the skin with thick silvery scales, pitted, thickened, ridged nails and dry, cracked, bleeding skin.
Bladder Cancer- Stages, Symptoms, Treatment And Management

Bladder Cancer- Stages, Symptoms, Treatment And Management

When there is multiplication and uncontrolled, abnormal growth observed in the bladder cells, it can be considered as bladder cancer. Just like any other cancer, when invasive, bladder cancer can spread and affect other body parts as well such as the liver, bones, or the lungs. Bleeding during urination is considered to be the most common of bladder cancer symptoms.