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All You Need to Know About Adult Type 2 Diabetes

All You Need to Know About Adult Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disorder which was earlier referred to as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes. It affects the metabolism of glucose or sugar in the body. Glucose is the major source of energy for our body. Currently, in America 29.1 million people have diabetes. However, as large as 8.1 million of them are yet to be diagnosed and are unaware of their disorder.
Six Changes to Make in Your Diet to Control High Cholesterol

Six Changes to Make in Your Diet to Control High Cholesterol

If you are looking for a diet that creates a lowering impact, you should try to identify the best one. When you choose a good one, you must follow it with great discipline and commitment to creating good habits. Earlier, people believed that lowering cholesterol was about cutting out foods that are high in dietary cholesterol such as shrimp and eggs.
Key Foods to Treat Fibromyalgia

Key Foods to Treat Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease which causes pain and swelling in different parts of the body. It has affected more than 5 million people worldwide so far. Treatment for fibromyalgia can be difficult since the exact reasons are not known for this condition. Due to lack of medications for treating fibromyalgia, many people have begun taking food items which have been listed as curative foods for fibromyalgia.
All You Need to Know about the Benefits of Probiotics

All You Need to Know about the Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics or “friendly bacteria” are known to have health benefits if taken in the right proportion. These live microorganisms or probiotics are naturally present in the body. However, they can also be taken in the form of food or probiotic supplements. Fermented food is usually rich in probiotics. For good digestive health, it is important to maintain a balance of bacteria.
Common Heartburn Symptoms and Treatment

Common Heartburn Symptoms and Treatment

Do you feel like the meal you just ate is making its way back? Or maybe you feel like your chest and throat is on fire. What you’re experiencing is heartburn. Heartburns are caused when there is acid reflux and the food you’ve consumed is thrown back into the esophagus along with the stomach acid and enzymes.
Best Diabetes Diets to Start Following Immediately

Best Diabetes Diets to Start Following Immediately

Diabetes and diets are closely linked; hence, they are one of the most important aspects to monitor. If you are diabetic, increase lean proteins and high fiber, while reducing processed carbohydrates in your diet. You must also increase your fruit, vegetable, and low-fat dairy food intake. Hypertension Stopping Diet This diet plan was designed to fight hypertension, but it is also found to be helpful in bringing down the risk of diabetes.
Most Essential Vitamins for Improving Brain and Memory

Most Essential Vitamins for Improving Brain and Memory

Brain health and memory can be enhanced with the help of right vitamins. Memory loss is a great concern for many people as they age and, eminent doctors recommend increased intake of necessary vitamins to improve brain health. Here are some of the most effective brain & memory vitamins. Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin for brain health.
Secret Diet Meal Plans That You Wish You Knew Of Earlier

Secret Diet Meal Plans That You Wish You Knew Of Earlier

Thanks to the growing urge of looking good and staying fit. We all crave to live a healthy life. However, with the advent of various diet programs listed by the health experts, the calorie consciousness and the doubts revolving what to eat and what to omit, we have somehow lost our perspective of a good diet plan.