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Here Is How Botox Can Treat Migraines

Here Is How Botox Can Treat Migraines

Here is how Botox can treat migraines Botox, also referred to as OnabotulinumtoxinA, is a neurotoxin. It is made by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. The neurotoxin causes a reaction called botulism which blocks the signals from the nerves, paralyzing the muscles. It can be hazardous if consumed through spoiled food.
Here Is What You Need To Know About Botox

Here Is What You Need To Know About Botox

Here’s what you need to know about Botox Botulinum Toxin or Botox is a neurotoxic protein produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Botox is medically used to treat several muscular conditions. The bacteria are found in the intestinal tracts of mammals, and in the organs of shellfish and crabs. The neurotoxin produced by these bacteria target the nervous system.
Three Effective Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Three Effective Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Three effective home remedies for dry skin Dry skin is a medical condition, which goes by the name xerosis. There are many different causes for this condition, the cold weather being one of the most common ones. Environmental changes play a big part in taking away the moisture from one’s skin.
4 Best Hairstyles For Short Hair In 2018

4 Best Hairstyles For Short Hair In 2018

4 best hairstyles for short hair in 2018 Coco Chanel knew what she was talking about when she said that a woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life. Your entire look and personality get a makeover when you get a new haircut. Gone are the days when women preferred to stick to their long mane and could not gather the courage to experiment and chop their hair off.
4 Styling Tips For Men Who Wish To Have Salon Style Hair Every Day

4 Styling Tips For Men Who Wish To Have Salon Style Hair Every Day

4 styling tips for men who wish to have salon-style hair every day Many times, you might have observed that your hair looks chic and well-made after you get a haircut at a salon but the minute you reach home, your hair is disheveled and lacks the same charm. Getting a new hairstyle is cool but maintaining that hairstyle for a long time is cooler.
5 Skin Care Tips For Glowing And Supple Skin

5 Skin Care Tips For Glowing And Supple Skin

Our skin is that part of our body that is exposed to harsh weather conditions and ever-increasing pollution every day. The result of this onslaught of environmental and other factors on the skin is quite unpleasant. Our skin starts aging sooner than its preordained time, and it lacks luster and goes on to become dull and lifeless.
8 Clinical-Strength Deodorants to Help Control Excessive Sweating

8 Clinical-Strength Deodorants to Help Control Excessive Sweating

Sweating is a natural process by which the body tries to regulate its temperature by emitting the excess heat in the form of sweat. Therefore, you need not feel bad about it and it’s actually healthy to sweat. However, some people have the tendency to sweat a lot when it comes to intensive workouts or when the body is in peak activity stage.
A Concise Buying Guide for Hair Loss Shampoos

A Concise Buying Guide for Hair Loss Shampoos

Hair loss can happen to people of all age groups and genders. It can be caused by a multitude of factors, ranging from nutrient deficiency and lifestyle to pollution. If you are experiencing hair loss, it may be due to your hair follicles being clogged by oil, or your scalp lacking important vitamins or moisture.