4 must-have footwear every man should own
The shoes that a man wears can tell quite a lot about him. And every occasion or activity needs a certain type of apt footwear. Wearing the right pair of shoes when performing certain activities, such as hiking and running, is important. And if you wear the wrong footwear, you may even end up injuring yourself. Discussed herein are four types of men’s shoes that are needed for various occasions.
Of all footwear types that are currently available for men, sneakers are the most versatile. These shoes can be worn for working out, running, hiking, or even a casual outing.

Another common type of footwear that men can wear for semi- or business-casual occasions is the loafer. You can wear these shoes to work as they are acceptable for formal occasions as well. So, if you’re not a fan of dress and formal shoes, and would want to switch them out with something more comfortable, loafers are definitely the right choice.
Slides are essential additions in your footwear collection. These types are ideal options when you need to quickly step out of the house to run some errands. Brands like Nike are known for making good-quality slides such as the Nike Asuna Craters that are made with sustainable materials. Howeer, slides aren’t great for long walking trips, since you may end up injuring your foot if you aren’t careful.
Finally, let’s talk about the most formal pair of shoes in this list, i.e., the Oxfords. These shoes are perfect for occasions that need you to wear formal attire. Picking the right colors to go with your outfit is important as far as wearing Oxfords are concerned. Considering the color of your trousers, shirt, and your tie if you are wearing a pair of these shoes.